where it's @ !~

To those that love me, I wouldn’t be WHO I am without you!

Just a little thought of the day.

The people who are your haters are just one thing: jealous. Of your life; your education; your goals; your friends; et cetera. You don’t really need them in your life because they always try to bring you down to their level.

And that sucks.

Surround yourself with people who truly and genuinely care for you and about you. They’re your biggest fans, your most ardent cheerleaders, the people who will pick you up and dust you off when you fall flat on your face and encourage you to keep going. They’re the ones who understand that life is hard, achieving your goals is hard, maintaining a positive outlook is hard. We need those people, not the ones who like to tear our dreams apart, who don’t understand why you are…

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I have a headache, a lot of studying to do, and very little sleep

But I so want to get out of here in December.

The alternative is to take some time off, but with only such a short time to go, can I just stop now?

I really do need to get back out into the workforce full time, so I will be stepping up my job search efforts. All this exhaustion I feel should be worth something monetarily, shouldn’t it?

I’m not sleeping well, but what else is new. I worry about passing my classes so much that I dream about school, I dream about sleeping through the alarm, I dream about people yelling at me for varied and myriad reasons.

I should know this Biology stuff cold by now, but I find that I have to reread everything because I can’t seem to retain it. I can take notes til the cows come home, but unless I take the test or quiz as soon as I’m done, I don’t remember most of it.

This actually scares the sh!t out of me. That and having a shiny new Bachelor’s Degree and no job.

Now, I’ve missed my math class today because I’ve been studying so much for this Biology test, that I lost track of time. That’s another class I have to pass.

And that’s a whole post of its own, thanks. I don’t feel like writing that at the present time.

I need to go hunt up some Aleve. My head is freakin’ killing me!


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

Whatever doesn’t kill you…

This caught my attention…and that of my 25 year old non coffee drinking son, Jeff. This might need to be fact checked, though. It’s the internet, so one can’t always take as smoking gospel anything written unless it’s referenced in APA or MLA format!

Coffee and Computers

The Most Expensive Starbucks Drink in the World, Ever–$23.60

Click Here for Update

It’s not every day that you receive a coupon for one of the priciest beverage chains in the world! Armed with my Starbucks Rewards card, I decided to take the opportunity to find out just how much money I could pour into a Trenta—Starbucks’ whopping  31 ounce cup!   After about a half-hour with a laughing barista, we created the most expensive drink possible: one Java Chip Frappuccino in a Trenta cup, 16 shots of espresso, a shot of soy milk, caramel flavoring, banana puree, strawberry puree, vanilla beans, Matcha powder, protein powder, and a drizzle of caramel and mocha.

Price: $23.60.

The resulting beverage contains 1400mg of caffeine.   According to Erowid, a widely respected drug catalog, a heavy caffeine dose is 400+mg.  This drink has 3 times that.  If I drank this all at once, it…

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Oh, by the way…

yesterday was my birthday. Nothing really exciting happened. I had a biology test, and I think I did pretty well. Family thing tomorrow.

Forty-nine of my 230+ friends on Facebook wished me well. Several more on Twitter did the same.

I even got ”happy birthday” from someone without prompting.

None of these people were Jon, however. I’m kinda glad of that. I really don’t want to hear him opine over his second failed marriage. I told him not to marry her (because of her alleged mental issues), but did he listen?

Of course not.

I’m going to see Marc in the ”Senior Follies” (or whatever it’s called) on Saturday. Should be fun.

Then back to the books for a math test on Monday…if it doesn’t snow.


I’m Stef, and this is Where it’s @ !~

Giving birth is not for sissies

I saw this report on the NBC Nightly News last night (Feb. 9th), that frankly pissed me off.

It was about the increasing number of women who schedule C-sections for convienence sake, saying that it could be more of a risk to the baby because of being born before they’re really ready to be.

There are some women who apparently don’t want to go through the pain & discomfort of having to actually WORK to bring their child into the world.They’re referred to as ”too posh to push”.

Pardon me while I shake my head in utter disbelief.

I brought 4 children into this world by working hard to get proper pre natal care, to take care of myself, and, yes, going through labor to get them there.

Yes, it was painful; and yes, I did need pain relief, but push them out into the world I did. And I don’t regret it. Schedule a C-section because I was impatient or didn’t want to experience pain? My doctor(s) would have slapped me if I had even dared suggest such a thing!

Women have been giving birth for as long as there’s been a human race, and THEY did it without the benefit of drugs or surgery. They just squatted down where they were, delivered the baby, cleaned it up, put it in a sling across their bodies, and went back to whatever they were doing. None of this, ”Oh it hurts!” jazz. It’s childbirth, it’s not supposed to be painless.

Now, if there’s a real emergency and the baby needs to be born due to something out of the mothers control, then that’s when surgery would be warranted… NOT because some woman doesn’t want to go through pain.

Get in there and get your baby born, whenever he or she decides to make an appearance close to their due date.

Cuz honey…giving birth ain’t for sissies.


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~