Meanwhile, on the bus…

This past Wednesday I was on my way home on the bus when this chick starts to get on and laments that one of her flip flops broke.

Then I saw what she was wearing.

Tiny top, short shorts, way too much makeup, hair seriously teased.

Honey, no one is going to care about your broken flip flop. They’re way too busy looking at your chest and your ass to pay your feet any mind.

Ah yes…summer in Edmond, America.

I need to get out of here!


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

If it’s not OK for Paula Deen to say the “N-word”, maybe you shouldn’t be saying it either

Remember the post where I said I’d write about the people I saw on the bus? This is one of those (and there are many!)

I’m on the bus going home from the public library, and there’s this group of four African American girls, whom I figured were aged from 13-15 years old. They were making fun of other girls who weren’t on the bus by pretending to make phone calls to places such as the FoodStamp office to the free health clinic, and sayin stuff like “I haven’t gotten my food stamps yet and my babies are starving!” Every other word out of their mouths were “N-word” this and that.

First off, it took a whole lot of self control for me NOT to smack the one sitting behind me into the middle of next year. Second, the “N-word” highly offends me, and I’m white. If a well known white woman can lose everything she’s worked hard for because she uttered that word in anger nearly three decades ago (and I don’t know all the facts, so I won’t speculate on anything further than that) while being mugged, why is it okay for black teenagers to use it in conversation with each other?

Yes, it’s JUST a word, but one that is so highly offensive to a lot of people that no one dares write it out. And it’s not okay to use words like “fag”, “dyke”, “wop”, “spic”, and words that are demeaning to other cultures and lifestyles, either (and if you don’t know what some of the ones I did write down mean, look them up!).

Just today, I read about someone who was banned from a group of fans for one of the bands I like for using the “N-word” to describe the female lead singer. That kind of nonsense doesn’t fly with me. Try it and you may end up in the ER.

Maybe black teenagers and young adults think they can use the “N-word” because they hear it in their music choices. Just because Lil Wayne or Kanye uses it still doesn’t make it okay.

Ignorance is NOT bliss. Someday, it WILL come back to haunt you at the most inopportune time. Remember, future employers are probably going to be checking out your social media presence.

Just an FYI


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~ 

Because nothing says, “I’m a mature adult” like having bright pink anime hair

I admit I love to people watch. There are some really good places to do that. Walmart is one such place.

First there is Paranoid Mom, who bought one of those seat cover things to put in the cart so Little Biff or Little Muffy don’t have to sit directly on the germ riddled seat like the rest of the peasants children. Please… a few germs ain’t going to hurt your little precious, lady, trust me. I used to put my sons in them all the time and they never got any weird diseases. And it might help if you actually put real clothes on your little prince/princess and not some cute impractical romper from J. Crew. And why are you shopping at Walmart when there’s a perfectly good natural grocery store a couple of streets away? Shopping at J. Crew leave you a little short this pay cycle?

Practical Mom puts her child into the cart seat and all she cares about is whether it has a seat belt, because you know Junior’s at the climbing out of things stage.

Food Stamp Mom has four kids under the age of five and lives in the Section 8 housing complex down the street. And her hair is BRIGHT SHOCKING PINK. I expect that from high school kids, not from someone who is an alleged adult. Into anime and manga a little TOO much, are we? If you want to show your love for the character with the bright pink hair, wear a freakin’ wig!

My favorite this trip was Retro Hippie Mom, who carried her baby in a sling, brought her own bags, and read labels like she was reading a contract. No artifical anything for her, baby, and her equally Retro Hippie Husband/Significant Other (who is probably a grad student somewhere and has long hair and a beard).

Okay, I know these are generalizations and I shouldn’t stereotype people, because Retro Hippie Mom probably has an MBA, and Paranoid Mom is probably working at J. Crew.

I’ve done some pretty weird stuff, but even I have never had anime hair.


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~


Springing forward

Okay, so we lost our annual hour to Daylight Savings Time. That might explain why I’m so bleepin’ tired, but ptobably not.

I’m looking at it like this: it’s related to my post “Just Keep Movin'”.

Spring forward.

Move forward.

Because backwards is not an option.

You can’t live in the past, because what’s done is done. You couldn’t change it even if you wanted to, despite what science fiction tells us.  You can’t unring the bell.

I was thinking about that today as I was deleting old emails. I read over a few, and I cringed upon reading some I’d sent to someone I admired. It was clear that their association with me was over just by the way they signed their emails.

So why didn’t I pick up on that the first time I read them? Maybe I just didn’t want to believe it? In denial? It could have been interpreted a million different ways. But the intent was clear had I only taken it at face value.

Oh well.

What’s done is done and I can’t dwell on it. I have to keep moving forward and not dwell on the past. Moving forward is where the future is, like it or not.

Whether or not this person I admired is part of the journey or not. It’s their loss.


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

A little light reading


Picked this bad boy up at the Friends of the Metropolitan Library book sale at the fairgrounds last weekend, along with a couple of other science type books. Either I miss school a lot, or I got turned back on to Earth Science from a couple of different sources (former instructors, specifically).

When I was at Rose State, I took a class called “The History of Life on Earth”. I really enjoyed it and got a halfway decent grade in the class. The professor who taught the class was around my age now (+/- 5 years), and she was knowledgeable and made the class fun.

At UCO, one of the required core classes for my degree was to take Biology and the accompanying lab. It took me three years to finally find a Biology class AND a lab available at the same time. I did all right in the Biology class, but found out that the lab was essentially a separate class, taught by a grad student. Mine met once a week on Wednesdays at 9am, and was taught by a grad student named Jeremy. He a little bit more serious than the professor at Rose State, but was able to keep the class’ attention. I liked the lab better than the actual Biology class, and Jeremy was an excellent instructor. If that’s what he wants to do with his Masters, then he’s got it made. He’s a born teacher. Whatever he wants to do with his education, I hope that he succeeds and sets the scientific world on its ear.

Meanwhile, I’ll reacquaint myself with continental drift, the layers of the atmosphere, and how earthquakes occur (among other things).

Who’da thought that I would find science fun at my age!


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

I have a headache, a lot of studying to do, and very little sleep

But I so want to get out of here in December.

The alternative is to take some time off, but with only such a short time to go, can I just stop now?

I really do need to get back out into the workforce full time, so I will be stepping up my job search efforts. All this exhaustion I feel should be worth something monetarily, shouldn’t it?

I’m not sleeping well, but what else is new. I worry about passing my classes so much that I dream about school, I dream about sleeping through the alarm, I dream about people yelling at me for varied and myriad reasons.

I should know this Biology stuff cold by now, but I find that I have to reread everything because I can’t seem to retain it. I can take notes til the cows come home, but unless I take the test or quiz as soon as I’m done, I don’t remember most of it.

This actually scares the sh!t out of me. That and having a shiny new Bachelor’s Degree and no job.

Now, I’ve missed my math class today because I’ve been studying so much for this Biology test, that I lost track of time. That’s another class I have to pass.

And that’s a whole post of its own, thanks. I don’t feel like writing that at the present time.

I need to go hunt up some Aleve. My head is freakin’ killing me!


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

C’mon 2012! Hurry your ass up!

Because the sooner you get here, 2012, the sooner school starts.

I’m just about ready for your predecessor, 2011, to take his butt on out the door into the past. I am so done with him! But, he gave me some of the most memorable experiences of the year– concerts, the summer from hell (literally! LOL), meeting new friends and reconnecting with those I’d lost touch with. Another year closer to my Bachelor’s, which I plan to have by December of 2012, unless something unforeseen gets in my way.

All in all, 2011 was a good year. Didn’t start out promising, but it got better in some spots, and not so great in others. That’s just life.

But, it’s time for an new slate called 2012. A whole new year to make my own with experiences only I could have.

And maybe, I’ll finish that trilogy of stories that I started in the late spring of 2010… when they’re finished, then the editing and refining and fixing begins. Who know how long THAT will take?!

I’ll find something appropriate for the NYE post, then go enjoy the last day of   2011… because, the future, dressed as 2012, awaits.


I’m Stef, and this is where it’s @ !~

STILL so busy I can’t think!

The end of the semester is nigh…

This is the busiest semester I’ve had in the three years I’ve been at UCO. I’m getting ready to lose my friggin MIND! I’ve never had so much due all at the same time!

Still, I wouldn’t trade it for anything…except a job in my field when it’s all over. Even before, if possible.

Then, there’s the little things… like last night-

I’m leaving my night class & I get outside and hear music. Not recorded music, but a lone tenor sax player, a student, just working the keys…weaving the sound into a melody. It was a jazz like jam, & he was out there alone in his own world. I went to watch, and he didn’t even know I was there.

It was magical.

But  I was tired and needed to get home. So, I walked toward the edge of campus until I could no longer hear him.

My own personal serenade…how nice. I was smiling all the way home.

I would’ve missed that if I didn’t take Media Ethics on Thursday nights.


I’m Stef, and this is where it’s @ !~

Oops, my bad… or, the Rapture didn’t happen

Why doesn’t this surprise me any?

That crackpot Harold Camping (or whatever his name is) who told people for months that the Rapture was going to happen on May 21st at 6pm local time around the world was wrong. Supposedly he’s flummoxed as to why it didn’t happen.

Because you’re not God, perhaps?

This same man also said the world was going to end in 1994. When that didn’t happen, he said at the time that he miscalculated.

Dude, you’re still not God.

Now this man’s followers, gullible to a man, have no idea how they’re going to pay the bills they walked out on because they were so SURE they wouldn’t be there to pay them.

Should have thought about that and made a contingency plan, just in case.

So, we’re all still here, and the world didn’t end. Now to get on with the business of living life in the moment, and not on some non-event dreamed up by a 90 year old man.

After all, in the Bible, in the Book of Matthew, it says we know not the day nor the hour.

And nothing’s gonna happen in December of 2012, either…just so you know.


I’m Stef, and this is where it’s @ !~ 

Well, finals are over, and the job search intensifies…

I have a couple more leads to follow, and I’ll be sending out airchecks and resumes starting tomorrow. Fortunately for me, the post office is just a couple blocks from my apartment.

I think I need to work  more than I need to go to school, but I’ll play that by ear.  It’s kind of hard to live without money.

There’s a new page listed at the top of the blog under the header of yours truly entitled “CV”. It’s just my objectives and a way to get in contact with me if you’re interested in interviewing me for a possible position. I’d previously (2009) had my entire resume on a similarly titled page, but that went nowhere. Got a couple of crank calls and a few emails from people who just wanted to give me grief out of it. Nothing is going to beat pounding the pavement.

As for my finals, they’re done. That’s all I’m going to say.

I really don’t want to have to work a fast food job this summer. My body can’t take it, especially my feet.

If pounding the pavement is what I have to do, then I’ll do it. I don’t have enough money to make all my obligations for THIS month, much less June.

Sheesh, you’d think finding a job would be the easy part.



I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~