A little light reading


Picked this bad boy up at the Friends of the Metropolitan Library book sale at the fairgrounds last weekend, along with a couple of other science type books. Either I miss school a lot, or I got turned back on to Earth Science from a couple of different sources (former instructors, specifically).

When I was at Rose State, I took a class called “The History of Life on Earth”. I really enjoyed it and got a halfway decent grade in the class. The professor who taught the class was around my age now (+/- 5 years), and she was knowledgeable and made the class fun.

At UCO, one of the required core classes for my degree was to take Biology and the accompanying lab. It took me three years to finally find a Biology class AND a lab available at the same time. I did all right in the Biology class, but found out that the lab was essentially a separate class, taught by a grad student. Mine met once a week on Wednesdays at 9am, and was taught by a grad student named Jeremy. He a little bit more serious than the professor at Rose State, but was able to keep the class’ attention. I liked the lab better than the actual Biology class, and Jeremy was an excellent instructor. If that’s what he wants to do with his Masters, then he’s got it made. He’s a born teacher. Whatever he wants to do with his education, I hope that he succeeds and sets the scientific world on its ear.

Meanwhile, I’ll reacquaint myself with continental drift, the layers of the atmosphere, and how earthquakes occur (among other things).

Who’da thought that I would find science fun at my age!


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

Chop down a tree, build a bridge, and get the hell over it!

Sometimes, the level of some people’s stupidity really amazes me. And just when I thought I’d seen it all, something new comes up that has me shaking my head, thinking, what the hell…?

Case in point: a couple of days ago or so, Disturbed’s frontman, David Draiman, taped an episode of “That Metal Show” for VH1 Classic. He mentioned on Twitter that he had a couple of announcements that we’d just have to wait and see when the show airs May 26th.

Of course, people got their panties in a bunch speculating what those “announcements” would be. Everything from Disturbed really breaking up (to which David said on his Twitter page that the answer was NO), to him forming a new band… even to whether David’s wife of six months was pregnant (though that would be awesome!).

Then, my friend Vikki posts on Twitter that she thinks she’s pissed off a lot of people on Morbus Rising, the Disturbed Fan Forum we both belong to. So I head over to the forum’s page and someone went off on David, speculating that the band was breaking up and that we should all take a hiatus from the forum until David makes up his mind about what he’s going to do with his time off from Disturbed (like it’s any of anyone’s business). He then ended his rant with what I took to be an anti-semitic remark.

Vikki expressed an opinion about what that person said, and that’s what made her think that she’d pissed people off. She sent a private message to the admins of the forum about what this person said.

Since I’m a moderator, I have the ability to remove posts that violate the “Forum Rules”. I sent the person a private message about what I was doing, and why I’m doing it, and included a link to the aforementioned forum rules post. Then, I, too, informed the Admins about what I’d done.

What don’t people get about posting that kind of nonsense in a public forum, especially that particular one that also includes minors as members? I get that this person was a little PO’d, but name calling is never the way to vent your frustrations.

We, as fans of Disturbed, don’t need to know anything and everything about what the members are doing during their hiatus, unless they want us to know. David keeps his private stuff private, and if and when he wants us to know, that decision should be his, NOT OURS!

Don’t like that? Then see the title of this post.


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

New concert to look forward to!

Well, folks, looks like I’m going to Austin, TX in September.

This one has me pretty excited, too. How often does someone get to go to a concert for an artist who is on the cusp of fame?

That’s what I am looking forward to the most; seeing a new artist perfecting their craft. However, this is not your ordinary new artist. He has been playing and performing and writing his own material since was a young teen. He has a real job and pursues his music as a hobby and a passion.

It is this ordinary guy who I’m going to see in Austin in September.

“Ordinary” is a word that seems to do this man an injustice. He is related to somebody who is already well known and has been for quite some time. It’s not a riding of the coattail variety though. This artist has his own style and his own way of doing things far beyond that of his more famous relative.

And, I am truly looking forward to seeing his performance.

This is an opportunity too good to pass up; even to the point of missing a day of school.

I’ll post more about it as the date gets closer. Though, if you follow my twitter feed you probably know who I’m talking about.

But you gotta follow me: www.twitter.com/DisturbedStef

*evil grin*


I’m @DisturbedStef, and this is where it’s @ !~

You kinda had to be there…

A few weeks ago, after watching one of DownWithTheHerman’s videos where he spoke Brazilian Portuguese at the end, I suggested to him he do a vlog entirely in that language, then intentionally subtitle it incorrectly. This is the result:

Now, if he did what I think he did, the subtitles are all wrong. They’re pretty funny, though. What he actually says, I have no clue because I don’t speak Brazilian Portuguese. He could be telling me to fuck off for all I know…

Thanks, Herman! You’re awesome (but you already know that LOL)


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

I was talking about rainboots… what were you talking about?


Rainboots or prophylatics?


Just a silly conversation I had with a friend on Friday. I posted the title of this post as my status on Facebook, and Tori commented to ask if I’d bought any.

What I meant were those yellow boots kids put over their street shoes that were popular in the 60s and 70s. They folded over to fasten. NOT the silly rainboots I see now that are popular with women under the age of 25. I couldn’t wear those if I wanted to, for the same reason I can’t wear regular boots… my legs are too fat! Damn genetics!

Anyway, my friend and I were having this conversation that quickly turned provocative, then X-rated (said friend is male). And it all started with the topic of “rubbers” (which apparently is what those rainboots I described above were called when he was a kid).

I know… get your mind out of the gutter, Stef! 


I’m Stef, and this is where it’s @ !~

True Grit… indeed

True Grit Movie Poster

L to R: Hailee Steinfeld, Jeff Bridges, Matt Damon, Josh Brolin

This movie “date” finally got off the ground last night.

After putting it off since New Years Eve, Chaz and I finally went to see “True Grit” last night.

I loved it! I was really impressed by the young lady who played Mattie, Hailee Steinfeld. She just knocked my proverbial socks off.

Mr. Crankypants (aka Chaz), bitched about how it wasn’t like the 1969 version with John Wayne.  Yes, this one was based on the same book as the 1969 film, but probably more true to it than the John Wayne version.

I’ve seen both versions (though I have not read the book on which they were based), and as much as I liked John Wayne,  this was a great version! You got the feeling that this was Mattie’s story, and not Rooster Cogburn’s. The book, I understand, was a narrative by Mattie as an adult, and that’s how the Coen brothers filmed it.

I highly recommend that you go see this movie. I don’t go to the movies that often, so if I really like something, I’m going to say so.  Even if you’ve seen the original, give this one a look. I think you’ll like what you see.

I generally try to stay away from remakes, because most of the time, they really stink. This is a rare exception.

Moviefone said, “See it!” So, I did. And I’ll say the same thing: SEE IT!


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

This morning, I slept in…

All the way to 8am. Wow. 

And after the fantastic weather we had round these parts yesterday, it’s now cold again. The high today is supposed to be around 50 degrees.  Let’s see if it makes it that far.

Tomorrow, they say we’re going to get snow. We’ll see.

My finals are over, so it can snow all it wants as far as I’m concerned.


Talked to Chaz yesterday, and he’s hanging in there. He’s been thinking about all the people he knows who have gone on to the Great Beyond now that it’s the Holidays. I don’t know why he does that to himself every year. His wife died in December if memory serves. Maybe that’s it.

He told me more about “Old Girl”, the chick whose dogs died and she brought them home and lopped their heads off. Well, she has “a lover” and that she’s a “one man woman” or some such nonsense, and wants to be able to call Chaz occasionally. Just a friendly gesture, you understand.

I still think this broad’s a few bricks shy of a house, so I’d probably still keep my distance. But that’s just me.


I had the worst time trying to think of the word “nepotism” last night when talking to my friend, Vikki, on MSN Messenger. All I had going around my mind were words like “voir dire” and “sequestration”, leftovers from my Media Law final (which I rocked, thankyouverymuch!). I hate it when I know what I want to say, but not the damn word I want to use! Bugs me to no freakin’ end!


I’ve started working on my sequel to the “Unintended Summer Writing Project” that I just finished last week. Like that one wasn’t long enough? It’s FIFTEEN HUNDRED FREAKIN’ PAGES! It takes up a quarter of a 4gig jumpdrive! Now I’m doing a sequel???

Yeah, I know, it’s insane… but what else did you expect from me?


I’m Stef and this is where it’s @ !~

Fa la la la la, la la la blah…

Christmas is in two weeks.

Pardon me if I’m not all that excited about it.

It’s not about who can get the biggest, the best, the most expensive thing… it’s about being with those you care about and who care about you. It’s about taking the time to reflect on the past year and prepare for the new year ahead. Most importantly, it’s to celebrate the birth of the Christ child two milennia ago.

Not that getting gifts isn’t important to me, but usually I can’t reciprocate. Last year was a rare exception. I actually had money saved. This year, a broken molar prevented that.

And I do feel guilty that I can’t join in the gift giving. Just so you know.

But isn’t being with family and friends just as, or even more than, important than whether you can get gifts for them?

I’m lucky I have cards to send out. Not many, but some.

Money, I don’t have a lot of. But I still feel rich.

How ’bout you? Can you say that?


I’m Stef, and this is where it’s @ !~